On 23rd of July, starting from 9:30 AM Pilgrims will arrive at the Cathedral Island for the ceremonial passage through „the Gates of Mercy” and visit the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. From 9:30AM till 1PM you will be able to participate in various spiritual events organized by Wroclaw’s church groups and convents ( see schedule for events on the Cathedral Island). Starting at 12:00 noon there is planned a meeting with Archbishop of Wroclaw and Angelus (stage right by the Cathedra). At 1:30PM all groups will get along /?/ to appointed churches, in order to take part in the Eucharist, proceeded in their language groups.

Information concerning subjects such as: getting to the Cathedral Island from the hosting parish, gathering place before getting to the appointed church (the Eucharist), transportation to the City Stadium. Please follow strictly tips and instructions assembled here.

Answers to all possible questions, as well as help, you can get in three InfoPoints on the Cathedral Island.

How do I get there?
Buses and trams stop near the Cathedral Island
pl. Bema: trams: 6, 11, 17, 23, 79 buses: 128, C
Hala Targowa: trams: 11, 17, 23, 79
Dubois: trams: 6,7, buses: 144
Katedra: trams:2, 10 buses: A,C, N
Ogród Botaniczny: trams: 9, 17, 79 buses: 128; A, N